Actually that one WAS a joke
Actually that one WAS a joke
The lifespan of the PS3/360 was retardedly long, too long many in the industry will agree. Its why the crossover between that gen and current gen is almost non-existent.
Whats exactly your point? My PC is multifunctional and its gaming part doesnt somehow magically suffer because I have Facebook open in the background. In fact I have 2 screen which means I can Skype with friends whilst Im gaming with them.
Lolwat? I love my WiiU and wish more games were on the WiiU instead of the PS4/Xbone. The WiiU is small, gives great visuals as a secondary gaming machine and is a lot cheaper and has better games.
Lolwut? Ive got a HD7950 (same as a 280) which I bought for $140 and I can run pretty much everything on high. My bottleneck is a 6yo CPU (Phenom II X4 955BE). So my original $500 rig from 2011 was upgraded twice: once for a $140 GPU and once for $80 which was overkill but I could afford it so why the fuck not.
Potatoes potatoes (ok more like potatoes toothbrushes I know ;p)
Aaaand this must be one of the burner accounts
*bashes head on the table*
I think shes hilarious, dont know if shes a car person though and she bagged out JC and the gang often enough on QI...
I think charging money for shit like this is socially deviant behaviour.
I should borrow it from a friend then!
No you’re right, Im shouting down from the top of the stairs, that level is kinda creepy and the floor is lava.
Eh, not entirely true.
Havent played it but afaik it was more action-RPG than jRPG (correct me if Im wrong though)
It was a different time during the N64/SNES era, but yes the GC was a graphical monster and nothing since has been, neither handheld or console. Face it, theyre not known for it in the last 2 generations.
Hope you get overtime for replying and making alt-burner accounts
PR in gaming is horrible, absolutely horrible. Im a part-time amateur writer for a small website and most companies dont give us reviewcodes because fuck us. We also do movies/tv shows and we get pretty much everything from that industry.
Is that going by your own fallacy after you implied I lived in my mom’s basement? Because I was coming down to your level. Seems like you beat me with experience though...