
Ehhh this would only matter for live events. How would you treat GoT? Its not simulcast worldwide

Yeah cuz Hammie b a boi frum da streetz, amirite?!

Kimi isnt nearly as much of a bullshit artist as Hamilton is so the comparison is shitty. You could say the same about "If Senna had said X you would Y" etcetc. Hamilton wasnt honest, he made up a bullshit excuse. I still wouldve disliked the guy if he was honest but I wouldve respected his honesty but in this day and

A hundredth, a tenth, a second, a minute. Getting beat = getting beat no matter the margin

I wish F1 was less conservative in how drivers talk to each other, if this was Webber or any of the old guards there wouldve been serious words exchanged by now if not punches. Not this passive passiveness (its not even passive aggressive)

Any good bluetooth speakers you can recommend?

Yeah, it just kinda feels like a waste having 2 amps :P

Thats the thing, I have an amplifier and it kinda feels like a waste buying a 2nd one just for the 2-3 months its nice enough to sit outside :/

Question: connecting from outside to my main music source is kinda tricky (its a 30-40m distance), could I wire them up in such a way I can connect from phone to speakers?

Soooooo worth it, just give it a go. Theyre usually in a package on Steam for like $5

What gave you that idea? Its a prequel.

Make it friends only, problem solved.

99% of the game was awesome, 1% was kinda extremely underwhelming. The Ending DLC changed it from underwhelming to acceptable which is good enough in my book since Im picky about my endings :P

Hope you got some insights into the series and if you havent played the original I can certainly recommend it. Its in the top 3 of my favourite games ever

Deus Ex (original) was one of the first games in its genre, mixing FPS, RPG, Stealth and a bunch of other genres. It was also one of the first games where choices mattered and you had alternative endings. On top of that the conspiracy theory plot was executed extremely well, it looked visually appealing and was set in

First? You mean third right?

Jet fuel cant melt steel augments

Im secretly hoping that Jensen ends up working for MJ-12 and when he finds out he will influence the development of Denton

Mainly because Squeenix Montreal has a pretty damn good rep at the moment. DXHR had one of the best cover systems Ive ever used (Me2/3 are almost as good, just different) and it played like it should.

Wait, you only had 1 Adam Jensen?