I think its funnier that they took 1337speak and took it even further in a way that no selfrespecting '1337' person would use xD
I think its funnier that they took 1337speak and took it even further in a way that no selfrespecting '1337' person would use xD
Numbers' explanation of IRC is hilarious as well
QUOTE | "It did remind me of [Kinect]. You kind of want to scream 'don't over promise these things.'" - Designer Peter Molyneux of 22cans, talking about Microsoft HoloLens from his perspective as an early Kinect developer.
No, its called a monopoly. Just because Valve delivers with a good product doesnt mean its ok to deny what it is/was
Yeah and people have the right to not like it. When I commissioned a painting a few years ago I told the painter what Id like, he was free to interpretate but I had set some guidelines for him to follow. He decided to not follow them and I ended up with what seemed like a guy sucking his own penis. "Its art!" well…
Totally with this, they stopped being enjoyable before I even bothered to play it. Theyre the example of a game being made into a lifestyle
I cant play on a console, I suck at using controllers for anything but racers and fighters. I love FPS and 3rdPS and I can only play them with mouse+kb :P
Because they promised to focus on the PC.
You know why? Because BW sucked at community management. If you have that big a shitstorm you dont even wait several let alone months before you open the discussion. They shouldve addressed it right then and there and accept that yes, they could indeed fuck up. They didnt and tried to be the better person which doesnt…
Maybe I notice it more since I did a similar job but its a disgrace
Sad but true and its because of that, that people buy on console more and more. It just goes round and round :(
Fuck me right for wanting a product I like, that was catered to what I like after they said explicitly "We're catering it to what you like!", and yes, kb+mouse gives you more options of gameplay. And the UI on PC can be entirely different and it should since you work with a very different control scheme. Im sorry but…
Wont deny that, but this isnt about support, its about community management aka how BW employees behave on the forums or in this case dont behave at all. Theyre shit at it and its a bloody shame
They lie on a daily basis at SWTOR. I love the game, I really do but theyre a bunch of bullshitters
The game works fine, its the community communication thats shit. DLC is still 3x the price of the base game, they still want money for the MP add-on crap (its dead, just give it all for free ffs) and they generally stopped giving a fuck.
Options are always good!
Im just saying, it used to be PC to console, now its console to PC
You need to hold down the attack button all the time, thats not auto-attack
How far will I get with a HD7950 you reckon?