Spoken language is very much broadcast material.
Spoken language is very much broadcast material.
Lets suppose Germany was the only country in the world and everyone spoke German. You can still speak English at home but outside your home its kinda useless since everything is in German. Would English be censored?
Any supression? Thats a very liberal take on censorship. You do realize a LOT is 'censored' under that definition then right?
I was actually doing other stuff with my time at it was also 3am by the time the last post came about. Kinja didnt notify me of the last post when I woke up this morning.
I like that the guy doing it can barely contain his laugh
Hardly a rethorical question since it merits and actual answer. Its censorship when its being lawfully surpressed. And whilst you can obtain it, I know people in Holland who could have a hard time getting it and technically its illegal. In Russia its outlawed. As for Postal 2 (and various other games), sales are still…
Again it doesnt matter what it is, a store still has the choice of carrying it or not. Why dont you understand that? Yes it sucks! But guess what? WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! The world where unreasonable things happen and nothign makes sense!
Safe company? Theyre also THE BIGGEST company and dont always play safe. They invest in new IP's but we have our WeHateEA-glasses on 24/7 so we ignore that.
Its called making gross amounts of money. And yes thats capitalism, on a personal level I still dont agree. They made more than enough money to make 4 more Grand Theft Auto's and still be ahead, and yet they want more. Its greedy.
In several countries its illegal to sell or to even own them. Thats true censorship. Not 98 out of 100 but 100 out of 100. And this is done by force of government, thats what makes it censorship.
Right.. because this will impact their sales so immensely...
Well I guess if its the highest selling game of all time then I guess its ok!
Nothing is being surpressed, the game is still for sale in Australia. Some stores opted not to stock it. Whats the problem? Postal 2 got banned in several countries. Mein Kampf is pretty hard to find in a lot of countries. THATS censorship. That new game where you murder random people? You can bet your ass itll get…
Whoever said theyre representative of Australia? Bad press > general populace. This was the best way to avoid Australia's FOX News aka ACA and that TT. I cant blame them, the moment those 2 shows wouldve gotten their hands on the story they wouldve twisted and turned it and everyone who didnt know the game wouldve…
What adaptations exactly
They dont sell the bible....
Target is being capitalistic you dense fuck, theyre getting bad press for selling something that is known to contain voilence (which doesnt matter) and they decide to sacrifice the few sales that GTA5 gives in favour of good press to the middle class 25-45 aged moms. Dont try and lecture me on capitalism or free…
You're right, they were petitioned and they listened. Whats the problem with that? (PS. rethorical question :P)
Cant argue with the price point. I bought it on the Mexican Origin store otherwise I wouldnt have bought it at full price either. Still a good game though
No I agree, Titanfall wasnt worth the costs at launch. I think if they aimed at a lower price bracket ($30-$40) without DLC it wouldve been better.