
My FC decided that all these spiky parts are to make the Dragoon seem somewhat upright was he is patrolling the floor.

Thanks for the reply. I only have sporadic schedule friends so I think I'll be skipping this one.

Washcloths and loofahs can harbor bacteria, mold, and yeast, says dermatologist Joel Schlessinger, M.D. If you use a loofah, make sure you replace it at least once a month. Schlessinger says the best way to keep loofahs clean is to dry them completely between uses—even if that means storing it outside of the

How is it for solo play? I'm assuming not great?

Sakura Trick

Okay cool. Similar styles though :)

Yeah I remembered the developer but all of these character designs look very very similar to Air's characters.

Ars Nova DC ends by doing the important job of introducing the villains and upcoming conflict of this fall's sequel film Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova Cadenza-. Hiei, the aforementioned final Kongo-class ship, is given not only a battle scene but a virtual heart-to-heart with Iona to build her character. The rest

Is this the same character designer as Air?

Probably she'll lead the Young A-Team along with a resurrected Stature and Hawkeye(F).

Yeah thanks about that. I got distracted by work and didn't put the two together >.<

Maybe this cat transforms into the battle party cat we see later in the trailer.

I could be wrong, but I don't see any people playing at any of these machines.

Can us Round Rockians join in the fun?

Now playing

The lack of Child of Light on this list is disturbing.

Is this Asohina's brother? Looks just like her minus the chest.

Go to Sunshine City for the Pokemon, stay for the aquarium on the roof!

When there's trouble you know who to call....Teen Titans!

Similar reasons Tinker AFB in Oklahoma has a lot of's in the middle so it's easy to get to anywhere.

You snap to cover in first-person, but there's a nice option to have the game flip out to third-person when you're in cover, snapping back to first-person when you leave it. It winds up making gunfights much more manageable than in the last-gen version of the game, because you immediately know when you're in cover and