GundamKyle this a prequel or has he changed his mind to destroy all 6 thongs from the bad ending?

That looks more like Nakano Broadway in Tokyo. I stayed about 3 blocks from there in my trip to Japan. Amazing place.

I still hate not being able to open various stories in separate tabs like in the old format. I typically will go in, open a few tabs, then read them as I get a few minutes during the day. I guess that's why I've kept with the sites.

Is that Liara in #4?

So...basically Walmart?

@Rachel Fogg: Too bad there is no 00 Exia. 00 Raiser and Reborns Cannon are the two from the Anno Dominai universe.

I bought Majin & the Forsaken Kingdom for $2 new on black friday from Amazon. It was on sale for $22 and I had a $20 credit for preordering NFS.


I wonder what the trophies will look like for this.

I know the YC in Aki has picture frames. Not sure about the one in your neck of the country though.

How has nobody asked if it's in English yet?

This is wonderful timing as I'm going to Japan on my honeymoon in a little over 2 weeks. Thanks for the great info Bash!

Why do her arms remind me of a companion cube?

I will be a sad panda if I don't get DLC on my PS3 Team Fortress.