
10 points for Gryffindor if you know this reference.

Alex Hutchinson, the creative director of both Assassin's Creed III and Far Cry 4, spoke to Total Xbox to expand upon comments made a couple of years ago that such a setting would be "boring". -IGN

Because Assassin's Creed is the world's most boring franchise, and a better game with similar ideas can be made without being a part of it.

Why is this not a thing yet?

Thorgi's got that Asgardian smile down pat.

Kind of like his face being imposed on young Ocelot in MGS5.

Shame about Roy, he's not cute :/
This is awesome

No mention of this...aspect?

Its harder to mod penises into the game rather than nips and vagina for that very reason. The overall shape of the female model can support nips and vagina with just a texture swap, the male model on the other hand doesn't have the penis shape built into it.

Someone please explain to me how is Boudicca no. 1?

What's wrong Hun?

150 grand? i better get a potato salad out of this

Great, now I won't be able to sleep tonight.

What's not to love about it? :D

Yeah. It's a little distracting... Most female ghosts and characters are pretty DOA.

Alright, I'll say it: I'm ready for a World War II shooter again.