The characters are very well designed, with lots of vibrant personality. The “pixar-like” cinematics are also helping the audience to create emotional attachments to them.
I’m more like:
tbh major kudos to blizzard for this. smears, squash and stretch is something that video games have needed to nab from traditional animation for years. they just needed graphics to be fluent and hiccup free enough for it to work and we’re - mostly - there.
If I follow the pattern I’m gonna go ahead and guess there will be God Gero, Ultra-Android 17, and a comeback of Cell in Bronze named Dura-Cell.
Was fully prepared to hate that.
That’s not even the most ‘wtf’ panel on that page.
So gore and boobs in high quality CG?
The next creation from the makers of Bastion and Transistor is Pyre, a party-based role-playing game where roving bands of exiles battle each other.It’s due out in 2017 but Supergiant’s bringing it to PAX East so attendees can play this weekend. You can find out more at their website.
That’s a lot of players getting rolled to death. The “Armor of Thorns” is a special set in Dark Souls III, covered…
I’d consider the 4.5 if Bloodborne would get a 60fps mode, not even more shinier textures at a stuttery 30fps. But that’s never going to happen.
If you like, I can come over and punch you in the dick every 4 mins, that is roughly the same experience. Also, guns don't kill in that game.
Can't play XV on it either or uncharted ;)
Or Demons’ Souls.
you can but you need a PS4, oh wait...ooooohhhh
Lol, same with me and The Last of Us 2. Yeah, i want to believe.
I already have a PC, but I can’t play Bloodborne on it ;_;
I didn’t make it better... But it has rabbits now.
making games is not a job—it’s an art