
That pic is from the golden age of memes. Dark times...

Fuck this gay Earth.

Slender Man is the villain!

Naruto is too obvious, gotta be Bolt.

I actually think that a "half" season was enough for this show. It had great pacing and an impressive budget condensed in 12 episodes. I feel like 24 episodes would be full of tiring filler quests and a pretty average animation quality. But I do hope for a season 2, Amira deserves a happier ending ;_;

For me it was the best show of last season, even better than Fate UBW. This show made me cheer, laugh and even cry at the end. Believe me, watch this show.


What's up, Tuxedo Mask?

If it makes you feel any better, her index finger looks pretty awkward.

I was expecting the magical Ash Lake :(

The short stories in Kouisho Radio aren't all that gory or even very violent – not to say that either element is entirely absent. Even so, I slept with the lights on after reading the first volume. The next day I went out and picked up the second volume and read straight through it in one sitting because I simply had

What, no! It's because of her boobs.

And FUCK YOU anyway.

I love artists that knows how to deal with colors.

I know it's controversial, but I like her.

So does anyone know if PC is getting impulse triggers support?


This is one of my favorites, but by another artist.

Cooraroodo Zas Tampeedo.

When last we left our intrepid Sailor Scouts, Pluto was still a planet. Now it's just a dwarf planet in the Kepler Belt, and not even the biggest one out there — Eris outsizes Pluto, and would be a much cooler name for a Sailor Moon character (fnord).