
A Black Woman. Do you really need to point out that she's black? Would this sound silly to you: "Russian Socialite Poses On Chair Made Of A White Woman"?

This is crazy, son.

I know, right? That was a neat philosophy to start the 1st episode.

Boobies this, boobies that... sigh. What really matters is the BOOTY!.

I can never look at Adam's illustrations without remembering the pure joy of SSX3.

Let's make a shop contest out of it!

Feeling like a badass is BAD in my opinion.

Still waiting for that Cowboy Bebop live action.

So Attack on Titan is also on this crossover huh. (...sorry for that :P)

What, can't I enjoy anything beyond the gameplay?

I've never played Lineage, but I'm so freaking tempted to buy this Kamael figure D:

Mannn fuck the PS4, PS3 is where it's at!

Such magnificent gif!

Is there a video version of this great gif?

Don't stop reading, it's pretty good. The art can be amateur as fuck at times, but still enjoyable (they make the titans look creepier). I also recommend the anime.

A black Moot Titan D:

Kill la Kill cosplayers!

I have a friend that would come to me all excited "holy shit man the new Zelda song is that other Zelda song BACKWARDS!! ISN'T IT FUCKING AWESOME? 8D" I think it's lazy and uncreative as fuck since Nintendo does it quite often.

Now that we have Joel can we have some Ellie screens?