

ROFL copter

played it at comic con it is amazing and i fully enjoyed it and dont be hating on the 3 classes it dosnt seem like it would work but it rules

played it at nycc its alright

this sucks

new york comic con is the best the east coast has and i hope it stays that way


this dlc was sooo boring

im going and kotaku should go to

btw the darkness was a comic before it was a game and the gears of war comic is real good and theres also a resistance comic that was just launched.

i might get one out of pity but i dont want to encourage them

that was awesome

dam offers up

i better have my xbox back from the repair place when this hits

prototype looks a million times better

anybody notice the similarity between the cover of this and lost via domus

this game was great.

so cool

i dont like this figure at all

i love my iphone