
The whole room kind of managed to say that silently. It was after that debate that she stopped speaking. Literally. She refused to debate after that.

It's a little long, but I'm an Austinite and here is the letter I recently sent to my senator (Judith Zaffirini):

I'm putting this here in hopes that my being perennially grey won't keep it from being read....

Texas has been Republican for a long time, but this attack on women's rights at this intensity has been fairly recent. Just because someone votes Republican doesn't mean they fall along party lines with every issue as is clearly evident by the statistics provided. The GOP everywhere represents far-right interest

The Tribune, as always, has the best rundown. They kept a running blog of the goings-on. The House just voted on the third reading and it passed. Now we wait for the Senate to take it up tomorrow.

Emily, I will be reading more xoJane and less Jezebel, thanks to this debacle.

I do have it!

Haha, exactly. I love the irony of a Jezebel staffer accusing XOJane of using an inaccurate headline...using an inaccurate headline. And then having to apologize and change said inaccurate headline. Especially since Jezzies are pretty much the Zen masters of shady click-bait headlines.

Yeah, their reader-blog is called "Groupthink." If that tells you anything.

I can't promote comments, so I'm replying to this in the hope it makes it out of the grey.

oh, WAAAAAAAAA!!!! but let me point fingers.

Emily from xoJane here — It is my understanding from the piece and speaking with the author that the students are housed on Disney property. I stand by the headline as accurate. That was the author's emotional truth.

Do you have a record of that conversation, by chance?

I once sent an article from xoJane to Jezebel in an attempt to respond to a very biased post written by a Jezebel writer and Jessica Coen disregarded the article because, and I quote, "only hitler reads xoJane." This entire article is bullshit. Jezebel has an agenda and they only except opinions they personally agree

I've got Emily's phone number if you want to give her a call:

Ugh, except because I haven't been commenting as much recently I'm now grey! Lame!

Dear fellow commenters,