
I'm conventionally attractive for a normal person i.e. not freakishly beautiful like a film star/model but I get a lot of attention when I get dolled up. I do that probably twice a year. The rest of the time I wear unflattering don't-notice-me clothes and glasses, because I don't want to deal with unwanted attention.

You maintain away Mark! You're wrong, but you just keep on keepin on.

Did he point his weapon at innocent civilians who were exercising their right to assembly? Even die hard law and order types know that is wrong.

I'm really happy for Andreja.

I've got an idea. How about from now on, you live your entire life as if everything that archaeologists might assume about you by examining your skeleton (and ignoring any other stuff they found, writings, cultural artifacts, etc) were actually completely true. Insist that everyone else treat you like those things are

big version:

I'm a Brat Pack fan for life.

yeah its pretty normal for them to be called a toon

Why, that was pretty standard...

most people on mmos call their characters toons. we have been saying that since EQ.

What are you supposed to call them? I called them "toons" back in the day too. But I wasn't a big WoW player so maybe I used the wrong terminology.

Anti-vaccers make me SO FUCKING ANGRY. Aside from all the anti-science bullshit, your kid is not more important than everyone else's kid.

Yep, my first thought was this too. I think this anti-vax movement has come home to roost.

I like to blame everything on anti-vaccer's, too. So I am with you.

My scifi inclination is telling me that those anti-vaccer's have allowed the polio virus to incubate and mutate in humans, such that the efficacy of the old vaccine is diminished.

Our car, our pronunciation.

Repeat after me: Core-vet ZEE-oh-six

My husband and I are olds - 60 & 53 respectively. He had measles as a kid, both of us had chicken pox, mumps and worst of all - rubella - when both our moms were pregnant. As a result, my younger sister died at 3 months from some severe birth defects and my sister-in-law's life was touch and go at birth; she was also

Did you miss the part where people were fired or terrified it would be used against them in custody cases?