
I feel opposite.

I’m kind of dreading reading Go Set A Watchman. I don’t feel it should be ignored in protest - it’s art, finished or not, and it’s in the public sphere, murky dealings or not - but at the same time, Harper Lee sat on it for a reason. Anyone here read Capote’s The Grass Harp? Probably been discussed to death already.

So you clearly don’t know anything about Amandla because she’s neither a model or a hipster and she’s definitely not “holier than thou”. She’s an intelligent young black girl who is very aware of the existence of anti-black racism.

I’m pretty sure no one would be mad at her for not sporting cornrows

um, voldemort, the malfoys, most of the death eaters, aunt petunia, snape... lets not make crazy broad statements that are blatantly false

Two women who are the best in the world at what they do. That’s a great photo.

Well Done JK!

Thank you, Ms. Rowling! Also, please do not publish a manuscript thirty years from now, in which we find out Harry has grown old and intolerant of Muggles.

J.Crew needs a complete re-think. Jenna Lyons did that brand no favors. A brand should always be evolving but still remain true to their core customer and aesthetic. Instead, J. Crew tried to re-brand as a luxury line, with outrageous prices and supremely ugly clothes.

HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.

This show is so powerful and really messed up, and I can’t wait to see it again. I always thought there should be more thinkpieces on it than i can find.

I would love to see a strong black woman in the Oval Office

After this Rebel Wilson joke, One Direction has only one meaning to me:

Like ... Rihanna doesn’t map out every minute of her fun for her followers to consume. Because she’s too busy being the literal coolest.

omg omg omg Gella, I was googling Marc Jacobs and apparently Vice interviewed that girl! She’s not actually a troll, she’s like... kind of nuts. Some of the stuff she says is reasonable but then she throws nutso stuff at you in the interview which kind of discredits all of it.

she’s always wanted a lot of kids and she probably wanted them all with the same babydaddy. i don’t think her nagging is unwarranted because he goes out partying often to the point of black out. who wants a guy like that to father 3 children. BUT they aren’t even in a relationship... she needs a dad and he loves his

They decided they wanted a white man to help a black woman over the wall to take down the flag as a symbol of race relations and fighting against oppression and how allies should behave, assisting but not silencing black voices.

not sure if this will work since kinja’s being kinja today.

I was a Girl Scout for 13 years but I would trade all my badges, bronze award, silver award, gold award, time with my best friends, and an amazing trip mushing sled dogs on a frozen lake in Minnosoda for five days all for one night of back yard camping with Barack, Michelle, and NASA scientists and astronauts. I would