
THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. If you want to show off your tits, go forth and show off your tits. But PLEASE stop making it seem like you’re doing charity work. What you’re actually doing is sexualizing a deadly disease. You taking a topless selfie does fuck all to advance the treatment that saved my mom’s life and will

“I’m not doing this to be interesting. I’m doing this to live.”

Pausing for a second to contemplate the fact that TMZ’s hardball tactics could have led to Jenner’s suicide. This is not fun and games, this is dangerous stuff. I’m glad she made it through, and I join to chorus of congratulations.

I see you Caitlyn with a C.

How? She basically waxes nostalgically about student/teacher relationships:

I am a far left feminist and yet I agree with most of what you said about the disconcerting “you aren’t a feminist if you don’t fall in line” that some people preach. I feel like people sometimes want to jump on the outrage train without considering the context. A young (early 20s) grad. student who volunteers at an

I just wanted to know if Kitty divorced him or if they both suffered with false lives till they died.

I’m rewatching the show now and it just infuriates me what short shrift he got. HE DESERVED BETTER.

I’m so upset that this amazing show is over forever.

YOUR list is way better than Weiner’s.

Sal was definitely the loose end I wanted to see tied up. I missed the character SO MUCH.

This is absurd: Kipnis’ original article was the worst kind of feminism—maintaining that students should be allowed to sleep with their professors because WOMEN POWER. Seriously, it was incoherent and ignored power dynamics. Kipnis claims to be a feminist but is so very second wave she’s veered off into misogyny.

I mentioned this to you earlier today, Natasha, but over the past year, I’ve found the public face of the movement to grow more and more divorced from what it seems society needs feminism to be doing. In one corner, we have pandering celebrities who have tapped into the lucrative Tumblr activist demographic by

I was raised by my dad and my grandparents didn’t encounter feminism until I was in college. So much of this, to me, is like being on the outside and looking in and then suddenly I am a part of it. Everywhere I go there is just a new rule, a new idea, a new “thing” that I may or may not be in compliance with or

Yes. Almost anyone can change their ways if they really want to, I think. It’s hard and it takes a long time, but we can learn to be better people. Even people who have done truly vile, terrible things have been known - not often, but sometimes - to learn to think, and thus behave, differently.

I love this thread! I have some interviews with Hadfield saved on my phone for when I need some motivation on my not-so-good days. I’ll be adding this to my reading list!

Yay thank you so much! I feel like a mighty troll vanquisher.

It’s not a well known thing but men are the weaker sex They are not capable of rational thought strong enough to overcome their bodily urges. It’s probably their hormones that makes them so emotional as to be unable to contain themselves at the sight of the female shoulder. I know it’s controversial, but I’m in favor

>>slutty clothing worn in a religious style.<<