
Get this fucking family off tv please

I feel dense because I didn’t even know they were like a thing.

Amen. Like, I did my time in the Office (US) fandom... I’m already in too deep, so let me be the nosy creep I was born to be.

This is great news. I’ve been dying for more specific details about this relationship for years, and I will gladly pay money to hear more about it because I’m a nosy bitch.

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Pretty much my favorite thing from the (US) Office

‘How are salon workers still getting lung disorders when we sent out all those flyers???’

I have her HL dissent saved on my kindle so IF I EVER NEED IT I AM READY

Yeah that whole point RBG makes about Griswold v CT. It was a hedge because if you really get down to it the idea of women being fully self-determined still freaks people out. Some of those people write laws.

This whole article is fantastic. About 2/3’s of the way through it, got to this,

It’s because public opinion on reproductive rights is pretty evenly split, and also not purely a dichotomy of being “pro-life” or “pro-choice”. When only 28% of Americans believe in a right to have an abortion under any circumstances it’s not hard to see why anti-choice laws have gained so much traction. Piecemeal


I think racism + sexism is a HUGE part of it. Conservatives hate nothing more than black women, and the black straw-woman they’ve created in their mind spends her time having promiscuous sex, and then alternately having children out of wedlock OR aborting them, all to get her hands on that sweet, sweet welfare money.

Because most view abortion as a women’s issue, and this falls in line with society’s standard issue hatred and fear of women’s sexuality. I know that not only women get pregnant but I doubt these anti-choice shit bags would care to acknowledge that reality. Gay marriage can help cis white dudes, so now more people are

anyone that wants to join me on my float is welcome as well

I spent 3 hours last night on the phone with my best friend planning our next trip, so I’m right there with you. In September, we’re going to Spain (my first time back there since college!) and Morocco for 2 weeks. :-D

For the first time ever, I really, really liked Kim. Watching her go through Bruce’s closet with him was so sweet. She was so genuine and funny and supportive. And he was obviously so, so happy to share something like that with her. My heart grew three sizes.

How Scott has accepted Bruce, been supportive and interested, has made me like him even more. He is happy that this will be a teachable moment to his kids not to judge people- I rarely hear parents excited to teach their kids not to be asses to people who are different.

I really do think this is the most honest thing they have all done. And yes they are doing it on camera but I think they are showing it all, the sadness and the hurt, the excitement and the confusion. I feel for Kris which I never thought I would do, and I get where Khloe is coming from. And I feel for Bruce having to

I think the Kardashians are awesome with how they are loving and accepting towards Bruce. I never thought I would say that they are awesome. :-\

You can say a whole lot of negative things about the Kardashians, but one positive that has always played a huge role in their show is that as a family, they always stick together (even with the Rob thing, he and Kim aren’t getting along clearly, but his other sisters seem to still be very supportive of him). I think