
Kesha is awesome!! My friend was the bunny handler on set for a cruelty-free makeup ad that Kesha was filming, and she said that Kesha completely donated her time to be part of it and that she was really nice and friendly to everyone on the set. Her bratty airhead act is just an act.

So are we just ignoring the facts that Bernie Sanders announced the same thing earlier in the week and now Hillary announces it and she’s getting all the attention? She is literally coopting Bernie’s platform as her own. The difference between her and Bernie (who has been railing against Citizen’s United since it was

.... right after she takes full advantage of it. Realpolitik: that’s so Hillary!

She’s saying:

Yep, Samsung and LG make them

One of those crazy refrigerators that keeps track of what is inside and gives you shopping lists and possible meals and stuff. That would be so awesome.

1) A Burberry trench coat. My mom gave me money to buy it but I cannot bring myself to do it. Thoughts?

SECRET ROOM. Oh my God I just want a secret room so badly. It would open up like, in the back of my closet, or like a trapdoor, or behind a bookshelf or something. It would have a very squishy couch, lots of blankets, books, and good-smelling candles, a little fridge with Coke Zero and wine, and room for me to bring

Um, she said Burberry, honey. Try over three times that.

Encourage them to travel. Frequently.

An island where I could hunt the deadliest game of all...

A small working theatre, that I could afford to rent out for peanuts to small amateur and indie groups who lack the funds, resources and connections to mount plays and shows on their own. People who work with big or professional groups and are already part of the “in” crowd would not be eligible to apply to hire it.

A library+reading room accessible only through a seemingly boring, normal bookcase THAT IS SECRETLY A DOOR.
Like, full on Scooby-Doo style, pull a candlestick, rotating, secret bookcase door.

Killer Whale Submarine. $90,000. I saw it in SkyMall.

So my parents bought their retirement home from a wealthy, childless gay couple. Y’all, this spot is wall-to-wall party showers. We’re talking minimum 25 square feet in the smallest one with 3 shower heads, and the master bedroom with, no fucking shit, 12 heads total and enough room to comfortably fit at least 10-15

I would decorate the inside of my mansion to look like a Star Trek ship, give the staff the choice of Star Trek uniforms or maid outfits, and force everyone who dropped by to address me as captain.

I don’t see the problem. He probably asked for a picture (she does have fans), and she tweeted something nice with it... and, so? I don’t get what’s weird about this.