Ohhhhhhhh I am super intrigued. I am looking at her blog now and it looks great.
Ohhhhhhhh I am super intrigued. I am looking at her blog now and it looks great.
Yay thank you! I do love history and wandering around is one of my favorite things. I'm gonna try and stop in for brunch at one of those Chelsea spots! Maybe I can just walk there, my place is literally on one of the corners of the Natural History Museum.
Thanks for the tip. I guess it gets pretty rainy. I was going to take some shoes that I definitely don't want to get wet so boo, now I have to figure that out.
Ah Glitterbug, I always like your posts! I am definitely doing the V & A and the British Museum. I do love history so maybe I will like the Tower of London...
Thank yooooou! I think I'll get one of those.
Nice tips, thank you so much!!
Thanks! I'll be staying in the 17 arr. in Batignolles. Out of the way of the tourist stuff so I'm pretty happy about it. I heard it's a good area to buy food?
Thanks! I heard London has great Indian food and I'm super excited to eat it!!
I'll be there for 6 days! I plan on going back so I'm not too upset about the short stay. I'm using the Icelandair stopover thing. I'm be there at the very end of May and the first few days of June. I have no idea what to expect of the weather?! I looked up the hot river, looks beautiful. How do people take off their…
I think my comment disappeared but if not I'm sorry for replying twice. How expensive was it to ship stuff back home? I live in Florida. I was actually already considering that because I will of course be shopping but I don't want to spend a ton on it. I'm also afraid of stuff getting lost in the mail.
Was it expensive to ship things back home? I live in Florida. I feel like ultimately it's worth it because I will be buying stuff but I won't want to spend too much on sending it. Also I'm afraid of my stuff getting lost in the mail.
I need sooooo much help with packing. You don't even know. It's hard to take just a carry on though when I'll be gone for 21 days and in so many different places doing different activities. I definitely need to buy some scarves. I've never had the need to buy a scarf where I live so I gotta get on it.
Yeah it's bad. My plane ticket was pretty expensive because I had to book exact dates and specific locations but my friends who are going bought theirs for $800 roundtrip.
I'll be there May 14 to 19! Then I'm off to Paris.
Ummmm that place looks beautiful! How have I not come across it in all my trip research?!
Thank youuuu!!!!!
Haha, thanks for representing Brussels. I think it'll be nice. I think most people complain that it's boring but I don't think I'll run into that issue since I'll only be there like 2 days. If I get bored I can just try to eat waffles with every available topping. FUN.
Dude, great idea! I'm gonna look into this.