Hmmm. In my opinion, Bossip and Daily Mail are just as bad.
Hmmm. In my opinion, Bossip and Daily Mail are just as bad.
Her biggest issues at events are bad posture and ill fitting clothes.
Hahaha perfect description! Love it.
Ughh I can't control it I think about him all the time AHHHHH
I get second hand embarrassment from Lil Debbie's tweets. Please stop including her.
I literally could not have cared less about the movie Thor when Loki was not onscreen. I was so impatient whenever he was not in a scene.
I'm so aroused thank you so much for this gif(t)
I literally watched Thor just for Loki/Tom Hiddleston. Ugh, I was so turned on the entire time. Seriously, when is Loki getting his own movie.
COLE HAAN! Especially the ones that are collabos with Nike. Soooo comfortable.
The author of Going Clear is doing an event at the book fair in my city. I haven't had time to read the book because I'm so busy with school books but I'm totally going to go to the event! Excited! I wonder if Scientologists will be lurking around since there's a big center not too far?
Um rude
Yeah if she got rid of the layers the styling would look muuuuuch better.
I think it's just the way she styled it. I'm sure the cut is ok when styled non-Gosselin like.
Can we just talk about how ridiculous tabloid speak is? They're trying so hard to fill up a page with words to describe a photo that speaks for itself. Also, tabloid writers TALK DUMB.
Wow I will definitely do that museum pass because I absolutely love museums! Are hostels as cheap as renting an apartment would be? I definitely can't afford regular hotels.
Lots of good tips here!
I hope I have much traveling ahead of me!