Ugh, thank you so much. I was going to try Nioxin but I'm going to look into this one now. I don't know yet what's causing it but I'm going to buy the stuff anyway because it can't hurt.
Thank you! I'm definitely going to call my doctor on Monday and let her know I want to check that.
It's not that great. I eat lots of carbs and things with sugary sauces. Also, sweets. I do eat vegetables and good things like salmon often, but not daily. I'm trying to change that but in the meantime, I figured these vitamins couldn't hurt. Plus, they have other things in them like antioxidants and veggie extracts??…
That's why I haven't tried biotin yet. So many conflicting reports. AND some say it fucks with their skin in a bad way. Most people concur that it helps with nails but that they didn't notice any difference with their hair. So I don't know! This multi I bought has biotin in it, though.
Yeah, I don't remember them doing that. I think I'm gonna have to go back to the doctor for it. My doctor usually reserves early morning appointments for when you have to not eat so you can just "fast" overnight. Helpful because I am like a baby and need food every 2 hours!
R U ME?????
Hm, I just went to the doctor right before I really noticed the hair falling out (like 3 months ago?) and all my results came back okay. Is there a separate test for the thyroid check?
Jonah has turned into a dick, if you go by his interviews from before he got big and now. I like his movies but he's so humorless and self-important in real life that it turns me off. He does a couple movies with Brad Pitt and Leonardo Dicaprio and he thinks he's hot shit.
Pretty sure it's from some sort of blooper or behind the scenes reel of Harry Potter. I haven't actually watched it but I always see this gif and I love it
I think he was also slightly depressed about being traded from the team he'd been with for so long and having to leave LA for Texas. I think that trade was around when the problems started. Didn't he and Khloe have a show in the works and they called it off?
I don't follow sports too much, so I wasn't aware of his career potential. I've watched games he was playing in though and think it's really sweet that Khloe went to so many of his games to cheer him on. Sad. Seemed like he came from a hard life, found success, and now demons from his past are dragging him down. I…
It's a promo shot, not a private photo. There are boobies though so yeah I wouldn't open.
Yep. My Cuban grandfather makes them all the time and yes, they are truly out of this world.
Right? It's like she's throwing out that number to validate herself to people because she knows that everyone thinks her music career is a joke. She is a God awful singer.