
Yeah, in the beginning people were definitely saying she was making this whole thing up. I've always thought it was more along the lines of what you thought was happening.

I think the worst part of recovering from addiction is finally realizing all the horrible things you did when you were in it. But all you can do is move forward. So move forward you must. I wish you a good recovery and hope every day gets a little easier for you! <3


The fact that they even need someone to keep people away is so sad. Like, what would happen if there was no bodyguards? Would people just pounce on her and rip her to shreds or something? What would those people actually do if they got a hold of Bey? What is their plan!!?!? UGH


What purse was it!

Oooh I'm pretty sure my house has a cappuccino maker that we've just never used. I have to check if it has a a steamer! Thank you!! Good to know you like the sugar free one.

Aaaaahhhhh. I just looked that syrup up and the brand even has a sugar free one which is my preference. I would love to make my own morning coffee drinks but I'd probably be really bad at it. How do you usually do it? You don't have to tell me your secrets, but I hope you do! (I won't tell the Mr.)

I wish I could too but there's none around me. One did open close to my house but someone said it wasn't that good so I never went and now it's closed and it's all my fault.

I love how everything gets infused with pumpkin around this time. I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

Nope, I don't think Starbucks carries the syrups all year round. You can get them out of the official season for a little while after it ends because they still have leftover product but not much after.

That's good to know. If I'm paying $5 for a damn cup of sugary coffee, I'm glad it's at least being put to good use.

Never heard of it! There's not a whole lot of coffee besides Starbucks and Dunkin around where I live.

Yes, apparently it's a program they're using to try to make the waiting game for fall drinks "fun." All like "use this code to unlock fall fun with a pumpkin spice latte!" I don't want to play a promotional GAME Starbucks, I just want my damn latte.

I should have said fall menus*

Does it?! I am inclined to believe this based on the fact that my most frequented Starbucks has had the same employees for about 5 years.


Her note on that item is "I'm a reader. Thank you."

And yes, he was her history teacher too. But for "ethical purposes", the geography teacher would grade her tests, rather than let her husband grade her tests.