Doktah Doktah

Im gonna say it.

I can see their point. But I don’t think RD Online has people hooked.

I can understand that perspective even for me. Some games I play on easy mode because I don’t have time to do things like spend 40 hours on a single play through dying a bunch. I want to experience the game and be done. Thats why I don’t play alot of RPGs because im looking at a 60 to 80 hour play through. FF7 has the

Men today: All women are bitches!


Now playing

I like DmC but its hilarious how the developer did themselves no favors.

2 is clearly an unlucky number in Japan so they skipped it.

Interesting point. If you beat 1 Pokemon game why would you need to beat another?

That movie starring Bojack?

Ash will never win a league because the moment he does there is nothing left to add to his character. If he won the Kalos league then he would have had no real reason to start all over again in Alola. Ever since gen 5 it’s been like an anthology. Gen 6 would have been the perfect send off had he won the league and run


Elder Scrolls 6 the live service.

Thats what a season pass is for.

Toby: If I win Sans is in Smash. If you win Kirby is in Deltarune.

Im worried about Overwatch on switch. I dont think its going too run that well. Fire Emblem puts alot of heat on my system.

The game is based on the last patch of of vanilla. Which is maybe 1.13?

WoW: A game set in mid evil times like a Dungeons and Dragons game doesnt include Bards.
Warframe: A game about cyborg ninjas in space. It has Bards.

This is some big balls out decision making. Changing what the series is at its core to another genre. Im sure it will sell well in Japan but America will be interesting.

No. Let it stay dead. Also Telltales isn’t an iconic name anymore. Once you saw how afraid they were of not leaving the their failing narrative game despite the fact they were constantly losing money. You realized they were always a one hit wonder.

I don’t know how you fuck up this bad. But grats 2K you did it.