Doktah Doktah

This looks bad with his plastic doll face graphics.

Is this not how anime dating sims work? Just a series of menus?

I doubt this. The tech industry is largely democrat. Facebook and Twitter are hugely in favor of Democrats. 

Some people can be successful but don’t know how to handle success.

Yeah I bet. 10 years ago I bet Valve would have never imagined they would be doing the same thing. 

Audiences responded with an uproarious “ok?"

But wen L block 4 smash?

I think its because they boast and brag about how their writing is so diverse and then they just turn around and create an ending that is the opposite of what they say and do.

Youtube likes him because he is a safe bet.

Would you kindly break the little puppies neck?

Seriously? Even David Cage knew to back off.

This will be canon in our hearts when ultra instinct goku is added to FighterZ and then shaggy is modded into it.

Now if only we could get some story update.

Ubisoft showing how to fuck it all up in 1 dlc.

You could have the kid thing happen off screen. Not alot of people would question it.

I remember that. Amazon sold out but it was easily available anywhere else site wise or retail store