I mean at the rate things are going for Fallout 76 there wont be any players left in a few months.
I mean at the rate things are going for Fallout 76 there wont be any players left in a few months.
LFD Killed the community aspect of WoW. You no longer needed to created friendships and connections.
Report to Greece as soon as possible, We’ll bang ok?
I really recommend the 3DS rereleases of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow. Replaying those games with a higher understanding of how the games mechanics work is a blast. Its like nostalgia but understanding the games in and outs.
I recall a very old article from 20 some years ago I think. It talked about how we would eventually get to play Pokemon in a 3D world with LoZ style graphics and being able to see the pokemon running around in the bushes rather then as random encounters.
There comes a point in your life when you cant be playing by yourself at the playground when all the kids are 20 years younger then you.
I mean Tik Tok is just cringy as a 25+ adult. Kids can be cringy thats fine. Because thats what kids are suppose to do. Once you hit 25 you need to stop or back off. But when you turn 30 you need to full on stop. There comes a point when you have to stop playing in the McDonalds play area.
Salary caps are in place to prevent people from buying the best competition and winning because they have the best players. For example the Yankees.
I got Eevee because I just don’t want to keep looking at Pikachu.
D2 was a mistake
You know what this game needs? An adventure mode. I did not reroll any new classes because the campaign is so bad and slow I dont want to replay it.
I quit because there is always a major balance issue. Some character is too weak or too strong.
Vanilla was a community based game. With the invention of LFD and LFR Blizzard killed Community. Group building required knowing people, making friends, and taking risks on new comers. Blizzard made it so you don’t need to know anybody to play the game. You might say “Well some people just want to play alone.” To…
The backlash would of still been bad but you would of had more people rushing to Blizzard’s defense saying “They said Diablo 4 is coming!”
And thats why PuBG is failing. Fortnite is trying to take risks and do something. PuBG is just a buggy mess that just wants a quick cash in.
They knew. But its still going to make alot of money.
But its a short term game unless they announce Diablo 4.
Now all you need is 8 people who want to play 8 player Smash.
Someday well actually get a story update instead of a lore update.
EA continues it’s amazing track record of shooting itself in the foot.