“This is my fault. But im really the victim.”
Dont pull that card. Were all functioning adults. Lets be reminded were all functioning adults on a video game website disscussing video game tournaments.
Its like complaining about a story after you have only seen the first 3 pages.
Remember the under produced Nes Mini, Snes Mini, and Amiibos?
But its a confirmed fact that nintendo hates money.
I dont know how to feel on this subject. Gearbox released a poor game but Sega continues to release poor games so its hard to feel sorry for Sega.
I think its because we have so much bad publicity from “video games make kids violent” that we dont want any other negative attention brought to ourselves. There are always people looking to pick up a torch for any reason and start an angry mob to purge something from the earth they only slightly dislike.
I forsee alot of young people using gaming addiction as an excuse for failing at things in life. But then not doing anything to get it resolved.
I feel like this is a more recent rumor or one of those rumors from like 2002 when the internet was still young.
You know what else I can see. Destiny’s writing being so bad it makes his voice acting look bad. So he didnt sign up for Destiny 3. So they are killing him off.
Cayde is the only thing that stands out in Destiny’s incredibly poor writing.
A story about the failures of success.
I have a DS for 8 years. Dropped it my fair share of times. Bought it in 2005. Anyway I bought a little case or what was really like a women’s wallet for it to go into. It fit perfectly fine. I shit you not I was getting out of my car from work. Got to my front door and dropped it in its case. Hinge broke. While it…
I cant work like in go. If the game is in dock mode how do you swipe?
More like cutting corners. Eh? Eh? Eh?
Im not saying pubg is dead. But i dont see them getting a deal like that from a Disney calibur company.
If you let it trigger you that means you’ve lost.
Local Gamestop doesnt get the big deal. Its just 12 dollars in games.