Doktah Doktah

Got with a steel frame. They last longer then the leather. Plastic breaks after 1 to 2 years.

Got with a steel frame. They last longer then the leather. Plastic breaks after 1 to 2 years.

Glad to be your ego boost buddy.

Then why not release just the 1 video of him going X rated?

All this requires is 1 well written scripted video. You cant get your point across without releasing another X rated video. He really does as you said wants to come off as edgy.

Seeing things like that make me not want to buy the game. Is it all like that? Just death trap levels?

How do you do this.

Nintendo has discovered how to use the internet with their video games properly.

The red Mei eyes.

Who are you trying to fool?

I mean its really the fault of the people who still play this.

Cant get a real tan when your farming stamina.

My face when you leveled enough stamina to just skip it.

Cool as that is im a firm believer that Battletoads is not that good of a game.

Capcom never got the word the game was bad.

Im sure the developer really cares he got a free bag of candy.

Probably more pages in the coloring book then in the story script.

Sometimes Mercy also means No Mercy.


What you got right there is some quality sister my friend.

Locked 3rd person camera melee combat. It looks at stiff as if you were trying to do a knife only run through of Resident Evil 4.