Doktah Doktah

I really love how Amiibos are universal to games. Like Nintendo could of easily sold us Amiibos that are exclusive to 1 game but choose to make it so over time they would become a better investment.

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Everytime i do a puzzle in a way its not meant to be done i just think of Eddie guerrero

Roll mechanics man. Rode my board down a hill and it broke. Lesson being dont use shit shields for surfing. The game doesnt tell you this.

My head canon wants it to be that all the world is normal but mad max Australia is just mad max Australia. Like nobody wants to talk about.

So the first 3 episodes but with worse animation?

Since this is more recent that makes it canon.

Change headline too. “Man gets Switch 2 Weeks Early. Rest Of Us Have Too Wait 6 Months Because Nintendo ‘Underestimated popularity’”

What you have is a gatherinf of people who complain but dont take action. They post things on social media and blogging sites thinking they arenmaking a difference. But they arent. They fight for any cause they can find even if it doesnt affect them. People looking for a fight but dont know where to put their fight

Oh you broke somebody elses property because you got frustrated. Thats adorable.

Mom never noticed because she couldnt smell the difference between fat sweaty son and corpse.

Enjoy in knowing that guy probably died alone with nobody around him.

I buy 50 crates every event and 50 when it launched. I usually get maybe 4 or 5 legendary skins. I only dislike when i keep not getting emotes for some charecters. Like Symentra.

I dont think anybody in the video does.

“Guys were already copying their shitty online service what more can we take from them?”

Its funny because its ridiculous. Your not suppose to really say it. Its funny because some people actually believe it should be true.

Hes the hero we deserve, but not the one we need.

Vanilla Diablo 3 is the worst.

You know what helps prevent glitches like this? Not releasing games people really just exclusively masturbate too.

Zero Suit Samus.