This is about the love of the game and disecting everything about it to learn more. Everybody replays games and lerans the best way to skip hard events and skip boss phases.
This is about the love of the game and disecting everything about it to learn more. Everybody replays games and lerans the best way to skip hard events and skip boss phases.
Did Kim Kardashian model this game? Because it reminds me of her and I absolutely hate it.
Holy shit. They dropped his weight by .5 pounds.
I like how they have in house testers instead of hiring an outside company.
Ive played a little Monster Hunter and im no hardcore fan but wouldnt this movie require a storyline? Ive seen no storyline in Monster Hunter
Duke Nukem Forever looks forward to being the second worst game to be delayed ever.
If history has taught us anythings it’s that he wont graduate. Hell fail on the final exams.
Translation: we care about our fan base and our name. This isn’t some Ubisoft amateur hour bullshit.
Any Dualshock controller past the DS2 is garbage. Microsoft understands that the D-pad and the joystick need to change places because thats where gaming is. Otherwise you are stretching your finger in an uncomfortable position.
Jensen is so pale he looks like a cadaver.
I love Tombstone have since i was 9. Im really happy to see it refrenced so saying it the wrong way doesnt bother me.
Until now I didn’t realize how bad I wanted this.
It needs a link that directs you to a way to get unbanned but instead just sends you here.
Double jumps, mid air dashes, demon transformations, fighting the armies of hell, demonic weapons.
I own this grill. Its a good starter grill.
I own this grill. Its a good starter grill.