Aww man that reminded me of Oni —which I loved and played it like it was going out of style!
I believe that the last Prince of Persia was a mistep, and I thought that what was tried in that installment would have fit so well as the next Beyond Good and Evil.
"This Bungie's last... Halo..."
Wow that's gotta be the record for the longest continuous commercial.
Out of context much?
The thug in the foreground of pict. 1.
I might be missing something but based on Egawa's comments, Tecmo's attempt to reach the mythical "female gamer"seems about as earnest as scribbling the necessary "heartfelt" apology that you owe to your girlfriend/wife, on the tissue paper in the box of naughty lingerie you picked up for her at Fredricks of Hollywood…
@killpool: Seconded!
I have and use both but for me, a laptop's sole "advantage" is portability.
Interesting experiment but, Monica Bellucci and Cherlize Theron already meet my "prettiest woman" criteria even with no make up covered in dirt..