
I dont like the fact that I’m running out of space on my phone but I can’t delete apps that I don’t use

It’s nice to have options, but yes it would be nice to uninstall them when you want. Personally I like Samsung Notes and Health. At least as far as treadmills go, Samsung Health is faaaaar more accurate in automatically tracking my activity than Google Fit.

Yeah. My Note 8 is incredible hardware. I use exactly 0 of the Samsung apps. I remapped that dumb bixby button to Google assistant and launch the camera.

I’d rather de-Samsung a Galaxy or Note and have a nice Android phone that doesn’t try to be like Apple... on the same device that already has Google apps installed.

Given the option of Dominos or Pizza Hut, I choose starvation.

Agreed. I’ve been doing this for years. Putting them underneath sounds like a good way to make yourself late because you can’t find your keys.

Put them in your pocket, keep them there. Never leave home without them. Oh and before you complain that your key-ring won’t fit in your pocket, remove all the useless junk off of it.

That’s what I do too. If I put my keys under something, I’d grab the items but leave the keys.

Yeah, stashing them under something just means I’m going to be late because I can’t find my keys.

Uh-uh. Stash Your Keys Under On Top of Important Items so You Don’t Leave Them Behind. Take it from a certified scatterbrain: it works better.

I’m with you - but depends where you live - I have a very savvy friend who has sprint and says it is doing well. I wish the world were more easy.

#1 - SSD for at least your main harddrive

My 9 year old understood this morning that guns didn’t do the killing. Its evil and/or mentally ill individuals hell bent on hurting others with any means necessary, be it a bomb in OK, plane in NY, or truck in Nice. How is gun control working in Chicago? It is unlawful for weapons to be on campus, whats one more law

I don’t understand, you guys are lamenting how AC has suffered b/c of the media cycle, but no one is covering it and you “might try to take another dive,” if you get around to it. If you think it’s worth discussing, why don’t you cover it? By “you cover it” I mean AV Club collectively, not you personally.

So, what if I just want an offline app for something only I need? Do I still need to create credentials for these builders if I just want an .apk to install in only 1 phone of mine?

She put herself in this position. She even said in her interview on CNN, “I’ve given up, this is the life I’ve chosen.” At what point do you hold these people accountable? Relapse rates for opioid addiction for people after leaving treatment/rehab is around 60-70%. As a Liberal, this is weird to say, but it sounds

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Wine 3.0 runs better on x86 Android devices (meaning the processor is based on Intel technology)...

One small caveat is that your phone needs to be rooted for the automatic shutdown feature to work. You’ll still get a series of two noisy alerts as the battery starts to drop, and the developer says they should be loud enough to wake you up if you’re sleeping. They’re also looking into getting the entire program to

So the bottom 12% of battery life is now not accessible. That doesn’t sound like a great solution.