
Draining it before the end of the month is a good example of the root problem. Lack of understanding of budgeting and responsibility. How many SNAP recipients have and pay for a cell phone? That is one example of a luxury. Get a landline to help you find a job to lift yourself out of the financial situation you find

I agree, but she sounds a little toxic too. Sounds like she wouldn’t express herself out of her own desire.

One problem with send as SMS when RCS won’t send is that conversation cannot be changed back to RCS. That is annoying. I usually just wait and it eventually sends. I frequently get a notice that message is waiting for recipient to be online.

Cortana is still part of my Windows 11 laptop.

I hate how Google calendar adds all the BS “holidays” and only has an all or nothing option whether to show them.

How about simply moving the task bar to the side of the screen? I don’t even care if it is centered. On a wide but short screen, utilizing the available height is nice. Is autohide still a thing?

Good article, lifehacker.

True, lifehacker has fallen far from it’s beginnings. Now they are more concerned with drinking, getting high and being woke than tips and tricks to help improve life. Lately they have made slight improvements. Just drop the addictions and wokeness. Be more inclusive.

I also love the constant popup badgering to sign up for the email list. Give me an opt out and leave me alone. That’s what cookies are for.

I have found that more than 2 degrees difference in stat settings costs more. The amount of energy required to heat up all your furnishings is higher than you will save by a lower setting.

I always wanted to see a sequel to Hancock.

6-9% is not the majority of the oxygen. Most of Earths oxygen comes from the oceans (50-80%).

“Short of destroying the sun, there’s nothing humans can do to prevent solar flares—but you can still know what to expect, and prepare accordingly.”

Now playing

“Omicron might cause more severe disease than other variants, but once again, we’re still not sure” - not true, Dr who has been treating patients in South Africa stated that it is a much more mild variant and that there have been no deaths. Too bad the panic rhetoric is so high. She even says so. I’m surprised CNN

We’re just veteran life hackers. There are newbees out there. Yesterday at Kohls, checkout girl asked my wife for her drivers license, she then tried to scan barcode, didn’t work. She then asked for the License number as the computer was asking for it. I pointed and told her it was the large set of red numbers on top

Yes, the ring thing is pretty cool, but requires use of the always on display. That is a battery drain. I have left mine off due to that. I hate the removal of the LED.

One thing about math and percentages... The only way to be fair and have equality is for EVERYONE pay the same percentage in taxes. All the talk of fairness and equality in today’s society, and the ones who step out and take risks are penalized. I say this as one of those who failed to step up and take the risky

Be nice if Google would make color coding work on shared calendars.

I’d be afraid to use anything but water to help the cup stay on a fiberglass tub wall. Don’t want to risk damaging the finish with oil or petroleum product.

With the insane amount of unemployment being dished out, there is no excuse for this moratorium. With the insane amount of unfilled jobs available, there is no excuse for the continued unemployment.