
Maybe to demonstrate it’s removable, for anyone that couldn’t tell?  The face plate is actually visible in both photos.

Yeah, I understand the desire for the cars to have keys in them, but I wouldn’t realistically expect most people to think about it in that situation, especially if it means separating their car key from their house keys.

Looks like the Beetle was the only one that didn’t roll over.

The timing of 1st gear is purely political, right? Force Trump to reverse it and look “weak on China policy. Because we all know Elon will make him reverse it.

You win today.

If the Mazda3 paired the turbo with a stick I would very much care. It would most likely be my next car.

Having spent a few summers washing cars, nothing much is surprising. One genius thought it would be a good idea to Armor All the windows.

Maybe if it had been made in China a few of the body panels would fit better.

Same question.

It wasn’t even his. Nobody is talking about the poor bastard that rented out his (or her) vehicle to a suicide bomber.  Ditto New Orleans.

I was merely responding to “people having fans when they do terrible things.”

Yeah, it still doesn’t look dated to me.

and structural parts therefor.”

See: Luigi

I’m not defending him or what he said, but since nobody can agree what a Chad is, it’s impossible to know what he meant. I’ve only ever heard it used negatively.

the i8 looks like a million bucks”

I just want to know how long ago it was and how many miles it had when they bought that 2006 Accord for $5,000 (or less).

At least it’s ugly?

I counted 8 binders full of women records.

They would get deported to wherever their parents came from despite themselves being born right here in The Land of The Free!