Located in Scranton? Come on Joe, you’re nearly retired, don’t sell the convertible now.
It says 10,000 miles per year, too. The two Hornet leases they have advertised say 5,000 miles in the fine print.
“crossing the Atlantic Ocean eastbound in three hours and ten minutes”
The only reason I can tell for most of the dually trucks in my neck of the woods is to take up more lane.
But is it a headline? I don’t think anybody hears about this unless you’re a car enthusiast or you are one of the 107 people.
The hitch ball gave me a chuckle. Sure, let’s add something to tow.
My last unlimited mile rental (Enterprise), the clerk clearly told me that it’s unlimited miles, but you can’t leave the state. I would also assume every consumer rental contract states that you can’t use it for commercial purpose. Of course, Hertz would have to be able to prove either one.
“Five people were on board the plane,” the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement to CNN. (From the source article.)
“If speed or power are on your new car checklist, go for the Crosstrek.”
Pretty sure sdfg is talking about this:
The good news is the war in Ukraine will be over now. /s
It’s 107 units, I don’t think the impact will be much if anything.
“7.0-liter V8 under the hood”
That makes much more sense, I missed this part.... “receivership property.”
“After all, there’s a chance that post-election and post-inauguration right-wing violence will cause more than its fair share of distractions.”
Why are they being awarded his property? Ewww, do they even want it?
No, no, no...that’s adhesive. Clearly different.
1st gear: I think we’re going to see some market correction in the industry. Jeep just announced some rather significant price cuts on 2025 Wagoneers, with more standard equipment.
You are entering the correct direction, just in reverse.