
This would be my answer, I must’ve watched it a million times.

I think he’s suggesting the driver may not have been, hence the targeting.

Kind of funny, thinking back, my parents did require us to wear helmets to ride a bike. But they didn’t require us to buckle up in the car.

They appropriately identified him as a threat to their personal safety, so they locked him out.

I’m slightly impressed by memory seats on a ‘93.

Oh I totally get the strategy, just disagree with the approach. 

2-tone red is a rare sight.

My local precinct has both traditional units and stealth units. I went to college with one of the officers, I asked him about the stealth units.  He said those are just for traffic duty.  Makes even less sense. 

Second, they were living all over the entire surface of the flaperon, even above the waterline, something that barnacles never do.”

Ditto, I’m like, what is Andy trying to circle for us?

For me, I’ll take the rated R movie over the headrest. And I would take the rated R movie over the replacement film, which was reportedly Inside Out 2.

My coworker has family in evacuation areas. She’s been on the phone all morning with them. They’ve already given up on evacuating. They said they can’t get anywhere. They’re helping each other board up windows instead.

Yet, in another image, the interior is bright orange. I can’t quite figure out what is going on. I’m not sure how to interpret that the interior “can diffuse and project the ambient lighting.

The torn top is a shame, but otherwise looks well loved. The Chrysler brand valve stem caps suggest it belongs to a Mopar fan.

Correction: I think the one on the right is a 7th gen.

And castration seems in order.

I saw a Ferrari in a 3-car accident this morning. Maybe he’s back at it again already.

Call me crazy, but that doesn’t seem like a ton of money for the target market. These clients probably already fly first class when they fly. And, other than the whole universal environmental concern, I don’t see what the big deal is flying 150 miles instead of driving. People fly Seattle-Portland all the time (as

I could afford a second car, I just don’t have a place to put it. And as a solo option, it fits my needs most of the time, but just not all the time. I’ve even sticker shopped them, but that’s as far as I’ve considered one.

I think it says more about the car than Tom.