
Window frame, not frame frame.

Is the track official trying to take a selfie with the stalled car?

Yeah, I have no explanation for that part.

Unless you’re in the captain’s nest (or whatever it’s called) I don’t see any way to see in front of the boat. They’re probably below deck.

There were also people actually wading in the water, so yeah, I’m out of there.

How much of it will burn up on reentry? Obviously it wasn’t built to survive reentry. Wonder what kind of show that’s going to be in the sky (if anyone were even around to see it). 

Happy Tuesday?!

Yeah, I don’t understand, I worry about his parents that he was sentenced to go live with and “not leave,” whatever that means.

The stick was only in the Challenger I believe.

I mean, it has Motorcars plates, but it could be on consignment (if that counts as FSBO?)  

Look up a 300M interior and compare it to this. 

if your car is telling you it’s 34 degrees, it may actually be at or below freezing.”

We’ve got floating bridges in the area and you can easily watch the temperature drop as you cross the lake on a hot day.

Found it interesting that people were plugging their ears. Was it also very loud? Or were people just anticipating a possible explosion upon impact? 

I test drove GTI’s on both of my previous purchases, and the lack of traction was kind of the main deal breaker both times. And the R was too pricey for me.

We must’ve driven different Challengers and Crosstreks. The Crosstrek was a way bigger slop-mobile, kind of like it was designed to be sloppy.

Had this issue with an ex.  “We just got it started, why did you shut it off?”

Kristi Noem just put down a deposit.

Not quite free, but probably pretty close. You still gotta pump water through the heater core and move the heat around with electric fans.

Enforcing cell phone laws? My hero! I fucking wish they would do that in my neck of the woods.