
What is goinkg on with your keyboard?

IIRC, their living situation (distance) was discussed on the show and it was “something we’ll have to figure out,” to paraphrase.

OK, now do Targa top. (That one is much less of a mystery.)

The only problem I have with my Subaru rubber floor mat is that the place where my right heal rests has put a hole in it all the way to the carpet.

Thanks, since the article mentioned aesthetics I don’t know why they wouldn’t have included a before picture.

Can you turn them on and off?

That is an annoying thing about my Subaru.

It circulated on Insta. I’m guessing 3rd party. Could potentially be anonymous Republican sabotage.

I am not a screen guy, so this isn’t so much a “me” comment but just a comment on the market in general. Seven and 8 inch screens seem very small by today’s standards. I realize larger screens are optional.

Seattle has noise ordinances (I assume most cities do), they’re just not enforced. I would at least write him a ticket, let him spend a day in front of the judge fighting it.

That’s his night job. We’re talking about why in the world would he need a Hellcat for his “day job.”

Without knowing exactly what was said, it’s hard to say if this was “reportable” crazy or just “run of the mill” crazy.  Growing up we had a neighbor lady that would argue with the stop sign, daily. So it just became like, welp, there she goes again.

I really feel like bath salts need to make the list.

Gen X-er signing in. I’m not taking blame for the participation trophies. That’s something “the olds” rant about and something my peer group laughs at. YMMV

“What do you think, should we make another white one?”

Yeah, that is really weird. I can only assume that surge pricing changes after June 20th, but is still in place through Labor Day. Otherwise I have no idea why they would break up the two periods.

This wasn’t a pilot in an airplane. Don’t pretend like you don’t know how people use the term autopilot in “real life.” I would argue he was definitely “on autopilot” if the system allowed him to become so distracted that he was unaware of the upcoming section of roadway where the system fails.

It is impossible that he was playing a game.  Tesla stans have informed me that all Tesla owners know that “Autopilot” is secret code for “Not Autopilot.”

73 and driving a stick. Rock star.

I wonder if this has a bit to do with Barbie-mania.