So the ship is gone now?
So the ship is gone now?
I was serving Jury duty during the 2017 eclipse. The judge temporarily excused court to let us walk outside and experience it. She even provided viewing glasses for us. Cool judge.
Fun fact: If you shine a laser pointer at the roof of your mouth you can see the light. We weren’t the smartest kids, but we didn’t eat Tide Pods.
Counterpoint: Seems like they were trying not to use deadly force. They could’ve just shot him. Honest question: Was there a point in the video that I missed where he was no longer fleeing?
May Titanic II the ship be as successful as Titanic II the movie.
He’s being kind enough to extend a hand to all “the dumb gullible victims” (my interpretation) that got vaccinated.
Thanks for slide 4, because I had questions about the smoke (not like OMG! conspiracy questions). I was just wondering what the cause was and hadn’t seen it reported yet. I was guessing maybe there was a fire on the ship that led to the failure or because of the failure.
The squircle gas door comes with a person on it.
I heard a tip to check for roof racks. The Staters don’t have roof racks.
That’s what he said out of the gate.
Yeah, but I’m assuming it’s oil or another automotive fluid. Which we already know there are cars in the water. I would argue the video of cars falling into the water was more morbid.
If I’m remembering my chain of events correctly, the timestamps on those X posts seem to be before the bridge collapsed.
Morbid? I’m confused.
Fords not on the list despite being mentioned in the article. I’m not too surprised, I would expect to see the foreign players on the list. GM at $20 million is kind of surprising, I wonder if they’re mostly exporting Buicks to China.
I’m having flashbacks to my buddy’s Tempo in high school that “ran hot.” It was a game for us to see if we could get to T-Bell and back before the car overheated.
That’s why I put “public” in quotes. I don’t disagree with any of your points.
That’s why I put “public” in quotes. I don’t disagree with any of your points.
Perhaps that $25k mark up included some dealer install options.
These ML’s just look low budget. I dunno, maybe I’m in the minority on this one.
Is it much different than the airport? I’ll be getting searched and scanned in a few days to board a “public” flight.