
That’s what he said out of the gate.

Yeah, but I’m assuming it’s oil or another automotive fluid. Which we already know there are cars in the water. I would argue the video of cars falling into the water was more morbid.

If I’m remembering my chain of events correctly, the timestamps on those X posts seem to be before the bridge collapsed.

Morbid? I’m confused.

Fords not on the list despite being mentioned in the article. I’m not too surprised, I would expect to see the foreign players on the list. GM at $20 million is kind of surprising, I wonder if they’re mostly exporting Buicks to China.

I’m having flashbacks to my buddy’s Tempo in high school that “ran hot.” It was a game for us to see if we could get to T-Bell and back before the car overheated.

That’s why I put “public” in quotes.  I don’t disagree with any of your points. 

That’s why I put “public” in quotes.  I don’t disagree with any of your points. 

Perhaps that $25k mark up included some dealer install options.

These ML’s just look low budget. I dunno, maybe I’m in the minority on this one.

Is it much different than the airport? I’ll be getting searched and scanned in a few days to board a “public” flight.

There are places one can draw differences, but I could also describe a publicly funded stadium in the same way you just described the subway. You also can’t refuse a search to board an airplane. To be honest, I don’t know what to think about this, but just trying to hash out the legality of it. I guess I’ll leave it

Of course, but if I were to place a wager.

The same way I can refuse to be searched at the stadium or the night club, but I can’t enter without a search.

You are right, she shouldn’t have done that.  That aside, you can die from a fist fight.

“If anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”

I did not know the Legacy was that affordable, surprising for a large AWD sedan. I had one as a loaner once and it wasn’t fast but it was “nice” I guess. Most memorable aspect was h0w comfortable the seats were.

I’m truly shocked they bailed on level 5 autonomy. I mean, everyone keeps telling me how stupid humans are and how smart computers are, surely it can’t be that hard to develop. /s


I don’t know if I’d say it looks great, but I did notice they brought back the 3 slots above the grill as a bit of an homage to the Hardbody.