
Growing up, we were slightly west of the flight path, not much noise. My dad and I would sit on the front porch and pretend we were shooting planes down with our finger guns when they landed. But when the Blue Angels were in town for Seafair they would re-route the flight path directly over our house. My parents would

You don’t have to dick it out yourself. It comes pre-dicked.

I don’t think the rule book even anticipated a glove like this. There’s no reason to appeal, because if they win and this style of glove is both allowed and found to be advantageous, every team will have a glove like this. They were trying to keep it under wraps to gain an advantage.

I went to the website because I’m having a hard time seeing two different finishes on the wheels (or why it would come to be). But anyway, while on the website.....

If you go to the very first comment, the rule is posted. Unlike the glove itself, I would say the rule book is not black and white. There is some interpretation at play.

It says two individuals at one residence, so I’m guessing they pair a name and address with each complaint. My money is on one or two senile retirees.

I wonder if the psycho Sea-Tac complainer is still bitching and moaning about the 3rd runway project.

I’m guessing it’s one or two retirees who belong in a mental health facility. I feel bad for them (not for the airport noise, but for their lack of care).

Someone made 6,852 complaints. There’s no use trying to put any rhyme or reason to it. This is a crazy person that could live anywhere. (Quite literally crazy by the popular definition of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.)

Depends what you need and how long you need it.  Gotta decide if it’s worth dancing with the snake.

Quit calling me Shirley.

I think it’s the first sentence that’s under scrutiny here, right? NASCAR ruled that the tethered fingers and thumb are no longerseparate sections,” (which I think one could argue they still are). I believe that’s what I read somewhere.

I’d like to see the variety of wood trims, because the wood trim in this is not appealing to me. 

F1 is trying really hard to make itself interesting.

The former because Trump is for sale to the highest bidder.

I also had a record scratch moment. I’m going to assume it’s auto-correct.

And his wives.

I guess time will tell in the sales column. 

You can turn it off.

It’s a retro reference and it’s been “back” for a long time now, so there’s not much to comment about.