
my reactions exactly. Who the hell would support games like this, when you're already forking out $60 for it and then they still have the nerve to also put microtransactions. frrraaack offf

I hope some of those legs are hot dogs because some of them are disgustingly skinny. eeww eat some hot dogs ladies

lol at the best exclusive claim and timed exclusivity. lulz

hahaha lol that is hilariously accurate. I will be adding this to my gif collection. Thank you sir.

Yeah a lot of "parents" are waaaaaay to soft. Whenever I do have kids they will get a serious shoutfest of what is right and wrong and I will definitely give them a good slap in the rear if they are bratty and cry for nothing. As my parents would say " come over hear so you can actually cry for something"

Let the buying and selling of these toys on ebay commence. Reminds me with the whole Target exclusive thing and people buying most of the inventory only to sell it at a much higher price on ebay

DUDE. You're blowing my mind right now bro

Pretty much. THat's why every ps3 gamer will get the joke.

He clearly was poking fun at the TWO DISCS, that is the reason he posted that pic because as you may know, ps3 uses blurays and they have not released 2 disc games.

well if you didn't catch it, he posted that meme pick towards emphasis on TWO DISCS. Which is why he posted PS3 Gamers. Hope that helps if you have no ps3 and didn't know

typical xbox live COD retard player

this c*nt, which she is justified being called at, is just like that asshole ferrari nyc douche

The exchange between the two is hilariously scripted my goodness

not sure if serious -.- or stupid...

Sorry to call out on your delusion but It's going to be no different than what it's capable of doing currently. Incoming shovelware is what it will be. sorry

I agree with what you said about how other companies are selling the camera SEPARATELY for those who really want it and like you said, that's how it should be. And I just added the fact that I don't know how some people don't like options. But I agree with what you said

your argument is STILL invalid for us who don't give a damn about the camera. We like options and I would rather have the option to opt out of getting the console without the camera because it will be of no use to me. And as far as the whole "if it's not included with every box, developers will have no incentive to

Okay i'm going to say this real slow so you can understand. ITS... CALLED.. OPTIONS/CHOICE... what that means is that you have the option to chose whether you want to waste extra money on shovelware

It's official, the inevitable Xbox one kinectless console will be coming next year. I will wait till then to purchase one. Do not need shovel ware that will cost me an extra $100

THISS. Some people just don't like options. I cannot understand people like this. eew