
HAHAHA holy zombie f*cking geezus batman. MY goodness are you over at CERN or at MIT lol

You're almost there god damn Delorean

For some reason these flames remind me of a Burger king commercial with one of their burgers sizzling over the grill... IM hungry now

LOL XD well played sir

This is about the weirdest random thing I have seen xD

Poor South Korean Clone women D: To anyone that hasn't seen Cloud Atlas, give it a rent on bluray. It's worth a watch. It is a tad long but it keeps you interested throughout the movie. And you'll understand my sad face comment when you watch the movie. It is incredibly F*cked up to what is going on with these

Lets not forget that he was not at all parading with pom poms of his support to end slavery. In fact he stated that blacks and whites would be best kept separate but equal. Nonetheless, it was a good catalyst to change an egocentric race's (whites) way of thinking that it was their gaawwed given right to do as they

hahaha we have an incognito hillbilly southerner living on a plantation still depressed 150 years later, staring at his vast land, hoping he had some slaves

Timed exclusivity is a joke. It only shows a sign that they are far too dependent on that strategy instead of making actual exclusives or making exclusive studios. I know Sony has it's own timed exclusives with other producers but they have the studios and exclusives to back them up and i'm pretty positive they

regardless of pricepoint I will be getting the ps4 because it offers better games and it's resources will be going to games.

Okay it did sound pretty messed but like I said she just looks exotic in that she doesn't look like every other lady. Shes exotic . Unique looking. So that's what I was trying to aim at

I'm pretty sure we can all agree without changes to any product, but mostly seen in tech, gadgets, and i would say even games, there would be no innovation. And without innovation those products along with R&D become stagnant. So by never being risky and improving, innovating and creating new things are dull and

True. I'm very excited for this years three. Here's hoping I don't work on Monday

hahaha it's the commenting system Gawker uses bro

lol poor argument. I can at least see what you are saying but my gaawed people can at least demand a leap in graphics that we know COD is a giant turd of

For those who get this game make sure you take care of the gunz blazing people to teach them a lesson that this game's mp is not COD. That or they will get themselves killed for depleting their amo quickly

actually make that Wienerschnitzel > Mc'Ds :b

Carl's Jr - Hardy's > White Castle > Burger King > Wendy's > Jack in the Box > Sonic > McD's > Wienerschnitzel xb

If your comment is followed by " I'm a McD's guy" then you have lost my respect sir :b

I heard of this last nigh on Conan. And although I do like Conan, I don't really watch the show much at all.