
What about the rotary motorcycles? :D

Haha the 4 is listed as a 4cyl.
At 6k, (I don't know what the max bid submitted is, however) it's great deal!!
I'd love to own it.

I've owned 4 RX7s, three of which were FBs. That 7 looks really great, but you should definitely not pay 8K for it, especially being a base model - open dif, base suspension, drums, those niki carbs. If you want a really fun 7, it'll need some time and money put into it. Say another 2k if you want some newer quality

Honestly, the power curve is very similar to that of an FRS, which people love. The 8 has about 40 more horse power, though, and TQ numbers aren't far off. I loved my RX8, it was absulutely faster than the FRS I drove.
10K asking isn't bad, but don't pay asking. 8500-9k would be a decent price. They've depreciated a


The Celica of that generation was openly modeled after a Mustang.
It was meant as more of an homage than to be a ripoff.

I like the Mazda plug. I've been a rotard for a while now.

As much as you can hoon a forklift, yes. Yes I have.

"Whoa 'add trillions to the deficit' we'd better cut that thought off before it reaches anyone with the mind to realize that it's true!"

Yuup. That about does it. This is insane.

By what I've seen in people, largely, sexual abusers and harassers do not change because they want to. They alter their behavior in order to avoid the stress of being in the spotlight.
While I might be coming off as a bit cynical, I do think it's very unlikely for someone with so much influence, power and wealth to

Personally, I'd rock a pink tool box just so people would look at me funny.

That was literally my second thought... My first being that I could bounce them off the ground.

I've never wokred anywhere where sexual harassment was not listed under a "zero tolerance policy", right along side any other form of discrimination. If a leader abuses those they influence they shouldnever be asked to resign. In such a male-dominated setting, I'd expect them to give him the option to resign or be

I loved my 8. It was definitely faster than the BRZ / FRS, it was more comfortable and it's a rotary.
I've had 4 RX7s and I can't imagine going back to pistons.

Good on ya.

What do you drive, Brass?

It must be a sign; I came here to leave the comment: Because it goes brap brap brap brap brap. Then I notice that your have a Cosmo as your display picture.
This is the first comment and only my second time coming to this site of my own accord. Quite fitting.
Is that your Bug or do you also drive a rotary?