hopefully close enough to a window for a sniper to take his ass out sooner than later
hopefully close enough to a window for a sniper to take his ass out sooner than later
well he’s a terrible person, so there ya go
Thanks for the advice, comrade snowden. Now drink a gallon of bleach and blow your traitor head off, you fucking cunt.
These all suck compared to the MQ-1
How to healthy eating, mein führer?
college doesn't have to be a 100k either
um... You get a uniform allowance that isn't taxed every year, so I'd tread lightly.
I'm realizing this as well. Hell, before I even started a BI program I probably had advanced Excel skills. At this point I'd probably just say I'm a 9 and probably still be selling myself short.
Holy shit! You're a beer cunt! We get it! Post it in some Bostonian circlejerk of Jezebel! Fuck you!
Yeah like anyone wants to see Jerry Jones happy again. The salary cap is fine, and it's not even the issue here. He's old as shit for a safety and it's time to go.
That sounds like incredibly dumb advice. You're being interviewed on what YOU contributed to a team. Constantly lingering on what the entire group did would make me suspect that the person didn't actually do anything other than occupy a chair.
job interviews are like trying to get laid. Talk yourself up, but not too much. Make the company feel like a special snowflake.
holy shit those games have come a long way graphically
short answer, yeah, he probably does have that database.
Wow. On this site "I don't care if you're an MD, I read some shit on the internet"
As someone who is moving into this field, I wish to god there was another title.
I should preface this with, I don't mean to be a dick.
just make a move, think of it as a severance, um, package
Same. Zippos are classy as hell, but i too quit smoking a few years ago
Same. Zippos are classy as hell, but i too quit smoking a few years ago