...wow, I totally just wrote that same thing before reading your comment
...wow, I totally just wrote that same thing before reading your comment
No one over rates it, Pennsylvanians grow up drinking it all the fucking time and we get pissed when we go to places that don't have it because it's practically a staple of our fucking diet.
Thank god common sense was brought in...it's not like we act like it's a fucking craft beer.
So if I sleep 16 hours a day....will I crave healthy food and lose weight?
Probably because Deadspin assumed people would read it before making a dumbass comment...
Eh, It's true, but I'm six foot as well, and closing in at 185, and the truth is that it probably takes a lot of muscle for that to become something to consider. If the weight loss concerns you, then look at your diet, if not, then fuck it, enjoy a blizzard.
Steve - It totally does. Music is great for that disconnect and distraction, the only thing that's better is if you run when everything is waking up outside.
Damn, is the humidity that bad in Long Island? I grew up in Patchogue but I never remember the humidity being that crazy...I'm in Georgia now and I have to run by 10am or it's too damn hot.
In regards to chicken soup, Campbell's Chunky Chicken Noodle, or not?
Ugh, the treadmill talkers...I'm in the same boat as you, having to either run insanely early or go to the gym after work to go on a treadmill, and for the entire I was running, this chick did nothing but yap on her phone.
Protip: Throw the luggage on the ground when you're ready for bed.
Too true, I loved MGS4 but that 20-30 minute (actually I think it might have been closer to 40) cut scene in the middle of the game was just too much. Of course that game was supposed to wrap everything up....but hell, I trust any MGS game to be awesome, they just need to stay away from the insanely long cut scenes.
Is it wrong that I just got an erection from reading that?
I had a 12 or 14 in one Leatherman that I constantly used until I left it in a hotel room...the thing was straight up the greatest tool I've ever had, and was almost always the first thing I'd turn to before even trying anything else. It just doesn't get any better.
As long as she doesn't eat Cheerios with her white husband, the internet will be fine...
Couch to 5K isn't a bad place to start. That 7 Minute Workout that lifehacker posted a week or so ago was a pretty good basic one, if you don't over do it (and by all means, while you're working yourself up, don't feel the need to do it in seven minutes, it's better that you take your time and finish healthy).
Yeah that 3-7 loss to Kansas City was EPIC.
Well....your opinion is wrong. Vick, Newton, RGIII, Wilson, Kaepernik all seem to be perfectly able passers (and in Newton's case, with a definitely less talented receiving core than Tebow had). Brady and Manning can pick up first downs when needed, it's not pretty and they'll never power their way through but they…
I think that would have been the best fit...him and MJD would have done amazing things.