Going from the comments on here to Foucault is gonna result in mind explosion...
Going from the comments on here to Foucault is gonna result in mind explosion...
Wow, really? I thought it was the lack of people that was the glaring omission...
Why did the whale cross the road?
I think he meant in terms of Vick's contract, in that if he was cut they wouldn't be on the hook for anything.
Wow, the good loot guy is better than you.
I feel so horrible for laughing...but man
Aw that's cute, your husband lets you type!
I was joking! *hides*
You're missing the point :p
Agreed, I've come leaps and bounds in cutting out fast food, but I'll still end up getting something once or twice a week.
Hey for what it's worth, I seem to be the stepstool to happiness as well. We should grab a drink sometime, maybe we'll cancel each other out.
Man, if you're not into women that want to show you the full brunt of initiative, I pity you.
Maybe, but as a guy, sometimes it's nice to get a clear signal instead of sorting through the female Enigma machine that can be attraction.
lol, that figures. Thanks for the link!
Eh...it looks cool, but it's going to take the next Uncharted/MGS/Final Fantasy to get me to buy it. I've had the same PS3 since launch, so I suppose it's possible that the thing is due to die off soon, but barring that, I'm honestly pretty happy with what I got, especially since the backwards compatibility still…
I remember hearing that Obama only has two styles of suits that he wears...NPR had a cool thing about his morning routine that would make for a nice article on here if it hasn't already been written.