Finally, here's a behind the scenes promo for the biblical adaptation, promising Game of Thrones meets, well, The Bible
Finally, here's a behind the scenes promo for the biblical adaptation, promising Game of Thrones meets, well, The Bible
And poor dead Spock was the rabbit they accidentally stepped on while fighting.
My favorite moments in Gotham are the bits where things bleed Batman. Gordon does the voice, Fish's mug did the appear/disappear beatdown... Gotham the city is super-saturated with Batman-energy and is just waiting for Bruce Wayne to crystalize it.
ask your doctor if madness is right for you
Only when he's just looked at the script.
I can only handle about 10% more madness. Maybe 12%, providing I've had 8 hours of sleep. I'd better not watch it.
He's been taking acting lesson's from Joey Tribbiani. This is also known as the "smell the fart" acting method.
You'd do it too, if you had to be in this show.
Somebody needs to make a supercut of him making this exasperated/disgusted face. He must do it in every other scene he's in.
you guessed it — dental fillings.
What kind of terrible human being shows a picture like that without any sort of link so that I can read more about it/take it over and complete my plans for world domination? A jerk, that's who!
Optimus would monologue about how pure of heart Iron Giant is while Iron Giant plays "concrete ball catch" with a panting, barking, slobbery Grimlock in a giant fido collar.
I feel like they would just Get Along.
voltron vs. Megazord (isn't that the name of the power rangers' creation when all their dinosaur robots merge?)
It comes with a BELT OF POUCHES.
My God, did Rob Liefeld design this?!
This is amazing and was kind of exactly my experience reading the books. Yes, all three. I was bedridden with stomach flu and someone sent me the PDFs. I read the whole fucking thing and I was like WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. These books are like some disgusting fried appetizer you get at Chilis or TGI Fridays that you…
Before even reading the article, this heading is everything. Erin, you're my inner goddess. *Bites lip*