There's a sedan version too!
There's a sedan version too!
Kids these days and their garbled singing. Between him and Ariana Grande I’m going to lose it.
in truth, we never really gave up on the philosopher's stone.
Cool in theory, but what good is a shower that requires you to step out of the stream to lean against a wall?
Solution to the touchscreen problem: stop fucking using touchscreens. I do not, under any circumstances, need a video screen taking up half my dashboard.
My biggest complaint against the entire interaction is the fact that the idiot cop basically stopped WHILE ON THE HIGHWAY. You're absolutely right. The cop should have been behind the bike. Wanna know a great way to get yourself in a car accident? Stop on the highway, and then move to the shoulder. Its the most…
You're right. I'm sorry that I hadn't considered this earlier, and thank you for bringing it to my attention. No offense to you, but based on many of the other responses here today I wasn't expecting such a sensical reply.
I've seen many articles about strange old people like this. One guy eats a Big Mac every day. This other guy uses twinkies in every dish. There has to be some kind of connection between these people.
because why not
Who are these poors whom you believe benefit from California's agriculture? Mostly we grow crops that aren't exactly staples, and they are for export.
My two favourite non-sports car type reviews were Hammond's "testing...through the crucible...of motorsport", where he'd figure out what people carrier was the best, or what RV could also be a track car, or which is the best taxi from around the world, etc. Those were common cars, and they were GREAT. The other was…
It's sadly true. Re-watch stuff from a decade ago, and this past year's offerings. It's like a panto show now, a caricature.
I would not want to be in the car with this person driving.
Ugh, I've told my wife this repeatedly. They're wrong and you'll have a smashed car (or worse).
Last time I checked, being a feminist is about the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. It says nothing about it being a girls club or anything like that
No, this:
I don't know what I think about this.
Like this.
She kinda had me until the darkening her skin thing. You wanna wear a scarf? Wear a scarf. It's a scarf. Plenty of ladies wear scarves. But darkening your skin? Okay, no.
Though it would be perfect if they just "de-elongated" that ass.