The thing is that you never know. The same way we didn't even know PRISM existed. It's healthy to have some scepticism, I'd rather have too much than not enough.
The thing is that you never know. The same way we didn't even know PRISM existed. It's healthy to have some scepticism, I'd rather have too much than not enough.
Haven't you read the news these last days? It pretty much got confirmed last week that it was the case.
Do I know you somehow?
I used to die several times due to alcohol poisoning when I was young. It's not that bad, you don't feel anything. Dying by suffocation is much worse I tell you.
Uh what?
"Next gen hacker SuperDaeE, who breached Sony, Microsoft, Epic, Valve, Blizzard and other gaming companies"
There's an easy solution. Be a European without a job! There are so many right now, especially in the south!
I'm excited for this game. The game-play in the last two games was really cool and fluid. I'm also excited about versus, I hope they'll give more news about it. What would be really cool is if they'd use the game-play of final fantasy 13-1 and 13-2 for versus.
I feel so bad for the Chinese but I also think that Karma will catch up and it'll be the inverse in the future. In the US companies are getting more and more power while Chinese people are getting more and more freedom. We'll see a future in which Americans will be assembling pear computers for Chinese.
You may like Sony or not, but the most important thing in this E3 is Sony's stance on DRM.
I'm not really sure, are you answering to the right guy?
More freedom for the people means less milking by the 1% and foreign companies like apple.
and you have to fear far less censoring or data mining.
Who are you talking about? Steve Balmer? I thought he was just insane in his mind.
PC gamers, be polite.
I have the best idea for Microsoft. They could implement a new point system that increases with the amount of data you upstream to them and to the NSA/PRISM. If you leave it updating info about you while you're not playing you'd get extra points. You can then use these points to buy new games on XBox live.
Ever heard of a RAT? no? Eh, Dont worry about it. You are probably fine.
I'm no fashion victim. I can use exactly the same program on a computer that has double power for half the price.
Did we even see any gameplay?