
Will an Apple car automatically ask me if I want to update iTunes?

Practically speaking, no one would want to pick up an engine they’re unfamiliar with. The only way that would’ve happened is if Ex-Avalanche employees created a new company had somehow had it licensed back. That is a very unlikely outcome to this scenario, though.

Wait wasnt it someone from Disney Infinity critizeing Nintendo for the Amiibo shortage and how they should be able to predict consumer Demand.

I can’t give you a solid yes or no, but I can tell you that as a parent to 4 and 1 year-olds, and a gamer myself, I was warned away from Infinity by two friends, who are parents and gamers themselves, specifically because of the lack of interaction between the play sets.

No. And I say that as someone who loves the game and the figures and is seriously bummed they pulled the plug. (And my kids are too.)

When you have 300 people working on a game, that means you need to be generating AT LEAST 50M per year. It’s obvious to me that this staff was bloated. My question is: why didn’t they spin it off and license it to someone else........Unless, they are going to spin it up again in a few years, with a much more

Do you have numbers to back that up? The article opens with this:

Great, Great reporting Patrick. Well done and Thank You.

I picked up Rocket Raccoon, Nick Wilde, and Judy Hopps as shelf decorations. It’s a shame to see this line of figures go - they’re great for display purposes to those of us that don’t really have an interest in the game.

This is very surprising. To me the figures were the entire reason to purchase any of these, as the game itself was incredibly terrible, devoid of any meaningful content. They managed to almost completely outsource the game to their own customers relying on people creating content in the toy box for them. The decision

It’s a bummer to think that it had so much potential that was wasted.
This bit of concept art had me thinking that it was going to be a blast, though the end result even jaded me towards Lego Dimensions, which I worry’s the closest thing anyone will get to the obligatory open-world licensed Back to the Future game.

How were they “CLOBBERING” the other toys-as-games? And in comparison to other games on the market, would that even matter if it were true? I mean there are what....3 of those games? Skylanders, Lego and Disney? We can count Amiibo too I guess, but Amiibo’s don’t have a specific game they go with.

They are really good figures. I bought a couple of them just as desk decorations, despite having no real interest in ever buying the game.

It’s funny they mention the figure shortage for 1.0, because I certainly never saw it in stores or online. Some of them became scarce when 2.0 hit the scene, but even then it was only a handful of them.

That is one of the key points of Lego Dimensions. The story mode takes a diverse set of characters through a series of colliding worlds, and many unexpected combinations of characters and items have little bits of banter calling attention to the wackiness of the crossover. Sad that Disney Infinity never really took

I don’t think they were out selling Skylanders, and amiibo has done surprisingly well. I’m not saying they weren’t in the lead, but if they were it wasn’t the gap you might imagine.

What cooled me off from the IP was just how little there was content-wise to do with most characters if you didn’t mess with the toy box. That and upgrading the software seemed to lock you out of your old playsets so unless you kept multiple versions of the game installed, you lost access to what little you COULD do.


Were they, though? The overstock of all of the figures on the shelves gave off the appearance of a game no one wanted. My son played 1.0, thought it stunk, got 2.0, noted it was only marginally better, and didn’t even bother with 3.0. It seemed almost as soon as the game was released (especially 3.0), it was on sale

I never fully comprehended just how literal the restrictions were on cross-franchise play. That’s literally *insane* to me, the entire point of Infinity would be to play as Elsa running around Tatooine. No wonder old toys sat on the shelf, that mix-and-match approach would have driven people to pick up older figures I

And nothing of value was lost.