
No, 100% Tesla. If the car behaves in a way that the driver is surprised / panics / makes an unsafe response, then the car is unsafe. Simple as that. Tesla autopilot is unsafe, but it has been overmarketed in a dishonest way.

If Tesla writes bad software that they oversell for marketing reasons, and I happen to notice that, it’s not anti-Tesla... it’s anti-lying and anti-sleaze.

As expected, it’s actually Tesla’s fault here.

Not really. LA doesn’t need more traffic.

Fortunately, there are other news organizations who will be happy to do so, preferably with NBC logos in the background...

I believe Legends of Tomorrow also does an excellent job of showing that meatheads and morons can try to be superheroes. Collectively, they’re a bunch of imbeciles.

You’re more than a crass person. You’re an asshole.

OMG. Ego, the living planet! Too funny!

As a pessimist, I can tell you that is completely untrue - we actually live in the best of all possible countries in the best of all possible worlds.

No, the WNBA was absolutely going to fine the players. Up until they all said “fuck this” in unison and started making the WNBA look like the asshats they really are.

As long as you’re also including the Silver Surfer, we’re good.

When X-mutants became the Wolverine show, they became vastly less interstesting to me.

As opposed to the marriage of a mutant and a synthezoid? That marriage turned out OK?

How about the in-mutant marriages of the House of M and the Summers? No problems there, right?

OMG, it is crap.

Wait, weren’t we all excited for Suicide Squad to be the savior of DC movies? What happened there?

Brian Azzarello seemed to put it all out there. “Wanna say that again? Pussy?”

Holy crap, they look like hospital gowns.

Huh? White and gold? It’s blue and black to me...

Bad engine, bad tires, bad chassis, bad brakes = shit to drive, even in a low traction surface.

I think the newest vans can be quite nice. An executive Sprinter camper would be lovely. Not so much for the driving, but for the sheer comfort and convenience.